Saturday 31 May 2014

Friday 23 May 2014

Laneige Brighten Up Workshop

I'm finally back to blogging!!!

So sorry everybody for haven't been blogging for an entire month but I was really busy with my school work, exams and my 21st Birthday celebration for the past month so I was practically either super busy with school or going out like mad (after exams of course haha) every single day!

But I'm back now for good haha and in this past month, I have also finished using some of my skincare products and also bought new ones from Laneige to make use of my membership birthday gift haha so be sure to stay tune as I will be posting my reviews and opinions on them soon! :)

Today, I will be sharing with you guys my experience during the Laneige Brighten Up Workshop which I attended back in March. Yes I know, this is a super long overdue post but it's still better late than nothing right? :)

So let's begin!! :D

Back in February, my friends and I signed up for the Laneige Brighten Up Workshop as we have not attend a make up and skincare workshop before so we thought of going for it and learn how to improve our skin! :D

Laneige Brighten Up Workshop experience review lunarrive singapore skincare

At the workshop, tables with full range of make up and beautiful mirrors being set up for us haha! :)


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