Sudio Sweden Vasa Blå Bluetooth Earphones
Hey everyone, I hope you are having a great day today. :) Recently I have been literally swarmed by so tons of projects from school and makeup course that I don't have much time to blog or even update my Instagram. >_< So guilty of it but as I'm my final semester in university now, I would really like to give it my all before I graduate and officially step into work life, so please do bear with me and I would definitely be back full force in May! ^_^
Today I would be sharing with you guys and reviewing a new earphones which I've gotten and that is the Vasa Blå Bluetooth Earphones from Sudio Sweden!!!
I was so excited when I first received it because I love their Vasa model which I have previously blogged about which you can read it: here. :)
This time it's a Bluetooth version of their Vasa model and here is how it looks like! ^_^
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